Charity Registration No: 1171790 VAT reg no: 333538701 01729 823626 Kendal Road Giggleswick Settle North Yorkshire BD24 0BU

News & Events

Recent News

200 Club March 2025 draw
20 Mar 2025

The March 2025 draw was made at the monthly meeting of the pool trustees by ool manager Tash Ward. The winners were:
No. 130 Ann Bott £80
No. 20 Olwyn Bolger £50
No 24 Kathryn Huck £30

Congratulations to the winners, who have been notified, and thanks to all 200 club members for their support for the pool.🎈

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Charity shop donations – new collection site
20 Mar 2025

Charity shop donations – new collection site

New arrangements for collecting donations for the pool charity shops come into force from the end of this month.

From March 28 we will no longer collect donations at the containers in the pool carpark.

The new collection point is at Unit 4 on the Sowarth Industrial Estate BD24 9FQ (opposite Arla and next to the council recycling centre). If you use ‘what three words’ the location is at frogs.offstage.stupidly

Opening times remain Tuesday and Friday mornings 9.30am – 12.30pm.

The new arrangement will provide more space to accept and sort donations ready for taking to the two shops in the centre of Settle, or, where appropriate, sale on line. It will also make it easier for volunteers, who up to now have had to work outdoors in all weathers. 

To get to the new site from the pool turn left out of the carpark; bear right after the bridge (Kirkgate) follow the road round and turn right  before the bridge; right again at the junction and right after the  Land Rover garage.

Scan this QR code for a map.


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Settle Pool 50th anniversary carnival
08 Mar 2025

Settle Pool  50th anniversary carnival: The carnival to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Settle Area Swimming Pool will be held on Saturday 21 June.

It was originally planned to hold the event the following day but it has been brought forward to avoid clashing with the Hellifield Harness Races.

The pool event will run from 10am to 4pm and involve events at the pool, in the carpark and on the field behind the building.

Individuals who are able to volunteer to help on the day and local organisations that would like to take part are asked to get in touch through

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Festive Fitness For Fifty Quid
25 Nov 2024


We are running a special Promotion over the festive period from the 2nd of December to the 31st of January. 

Indulge in food and drink at Christmas by all means but think about what comes after too, so why not take up our festive fitness offer. For the price of just £50 you can now purchase a gift card from us which allows eight sessions for any of our dry side fitSpace classes or for use in the new gym

The ideal gift for yourself or someone you care about.

Gift vouchers will be available at the Pool from Monday the 2nd of December just ask at reception.

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North Yorkshire says Let’s Talk Active
02 Oct 2024

North Yorkshire says Let’s Talk Active

North Yorkshire Council is currently running an on-line survey to help understand what residents need from local leisure facilities in order to help them be more active. The council also wants to understand the things that prevent people from being active so it can make physical activity more accessible for everyone.  The council says that what you tell them can influence where resources and efforts should be focused. This can lead to improved facilities and programmes that better meet the community’s needs. It would be good to have a strong input from this area where council services are limited and leisure facilities are mainly provided by voluntary community groups, such as the pool and sports teams. You can access the survey by going to . There is no specific mention of the pool on the list of leisure centres but you can write it in if this is the main place where you take exercise . The survey closes on November 4.

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Tea and Cakes
19 Sep 2024

Join us for Tea and Cakes Scones, Savouries and Tombola.

At Langcliffe Village Institute

Sunday 29th September 2-4:30pm
All are welcome Proceeds to Settle Area Swimming Pool

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Show support for Jonny’s channel swim fundraiser
28 Aug 2024

Our local swimmer Jonny Green is taking on the English Channel in September and fundraising for Settle Pool.

He will be crossing the entire 21 miles of water from England to France, accompanied only by a guide boat carrying supporters, and braving one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. Undeterred by hazards of the deep including swarms of stinging jellyfish, Jonny has been training for this incredible journey all year.

He has swum a huge number lengths of our pool to build up for the crossing, and his final training session will be in the Scilly Isles.

Please show your support for his dedication and generosity by donating here

Good luck Jonny!

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29 Jul 2024

A new gymnasium is to be set up at Settle Pool helping fulfil the long-term aim to create a facility that is ‘more than just a pool’.

The trustees have agreed to invest around £24,000 in a range of equipment that will be permanently housed in the smaller part of the fitSpace area nearer the pool. The larger section, nearer the carpark, will continue to be used for fitness classes and a wide range of activities including meetings and toddler play sessions.

It is expected that the costs of the new equipment will be recouped within two years maximum and that thereafter income from the gym will help reduce the overall running costs, making the pool more economic to run.

The need for a gym alongside the swimming pool was recognised eight years ago when plans were considered to redevelop the building that was opened in 1975 and was then beginning to show its age. Adding a gym to the building was strongly supported in a survey conducted at that time and is recognised as a good investment at many other public pools across the country.

The eight pieces of equipment, which are due to be delivered in the next few weeks, will be suitable for use both by beginners, who have not used gyms before, and those who train regularly.

A trial and test period will follow the installation of the equipment. It is expected that the official opening will take place later this summer.

Prices for gym membership and offers including use of the gym and pool will follow as will arrangements for induction sessions.

Centre manager Tash Ward said: “We are delighted by this development. It is a further big step forward for us. We hope that as well as offering something more for our regular users, the new facility will help us reach out to groups that want to boost their fitness but have not used the pool to date.”

Treasurer Rosie Sanderson said: “We are now able to make this investment thanks to all the work that has been done over the past few months to put pool finances on a much stronger footing. As well as drawing more people to the pool it will provide an important additional source of revenue. In any event the equipment has a high resale value and could always be sold in the unlikely event that the project does not prove as popular as we hope it will.”

Joint chair of the trustees Chris Hirst said: “All staff, volunteers and trustees continue to look at what we provide, so we can sustain and keep improving the benefits to our community."

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21 Jul 2024

The pool annual meeting held on July 18 was told that following last winter’s financial crisis, Settle Area Swimming Pool is now operating on a sound footing.

Pool users and supporters heard that a number of measures had helped avert the crisis that at one point threatened the closure of the centre.

The drop in energy prices had been a major factor with the monthly gas bill now half the £5,000 it had been earlier in the year. Other factors identified by outgoing chair Colin Coleman were the £27,000 in donations received, mainly as a result of fund-raising events; a revised insurance policy that had freed up £40,000 for investment; and the £21,000 from Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund that had been used to extend the bank of solar panels and as a result would cut energy bills still further. The two charity shops that raise more than £80,000 a year and are staffed entirely by volunteers remain crucial to the success of the pool.

The meeting was told that the number of centre users was up, especially in the fitness classes and that thanks to the efforts of staff and trustees the pool was now operating more efficiently.

Several trustees stepped down at the annual meeting, including chair Colin Coleman. A plea was made for pool supporters to consider standing as trustees next year when treasurer Rosie Sanderson is due to step down and a replacement will be needed for that crucial role.

Chris Hirst and Mike Smith are now joint chair of trustees and Ken Larkins and Ian Dryburgh have joined the board – Ian as vice chair. The retiring trustees Iain Crossley and Rob Brown were thanked for their contribution and special mention was made of former trustee Elaine Owen who sadly died earlier this year, after making a great contribution especially in the areas of health and safety and insurance.

The annual meeting coincided with the 50th anniversary of the start of work on the pool building in 1974 and to mark the occasion Chris Petrie, whose father, Kevin, chaired the trustees for a number of years spoke of his family’s contribution to the pool and read a piece on pool history written by his father a number of years ago.

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Barbie Beer and Bop, Revival Of The Fittest
16 Jul 2024

Come and enjoy a fundraising barbecue and concert on Friday 23 August with Revival of the Fittest, a popular local Settle based Rock & Roll/Blues band formed by 5 friends who love to play music together.

Following on from the incredible success of last year’s fund-raising event for the Settle Mobile Cancer unit (Hope For tomorrow). This year they are putting on an event for “The Victoria Hall”, “Settle Swimming Pool” and “The Principal Trust Children’s Charity”.  With the help of the Victoria Hall the band have been able organise a wonderful fund-raising night. We will be playing songs from the 50’s-60’s-70’s onwards, that everyone will know and enjoy. All profits will be shared by these three important charities.

Tickets are Adults £10.00 Children £2.50 and can be purchased at the Victoria Hall ticket office, or on-line at

Tickets will also be on-sale at both of our Settle Pool Charity shops on Settle main street and here at the pool itself.

The event will kick-off at 5.30pm with an outdoor barbeque in Miss Victories Gardens next to the hall (Weather Permitting). If it’s raining, don’t worry, we can move indoors. The band will start at 7.00pm.

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New solar panels help cut pool’s electric bill
23 Jun 2024

A second bank of solar panels has now been installed on the pool roof, generating more electricity and so helping cut our fuel bills.

The project was funded by the £21,000 grant awarded to the pool in the second round of the Swimming Pool Support Fund administered by Sport England. This round of funding was aimed at making pools across the country more energy efficient.

The installation of the new bank of panels took place in early June, meaning the effect will be felt immediately  during the summer months, when most electricity will be generated.

Thanks to Emma Lonsdale for the drone photographs showing the new bank of panels on the roof nearest the car park. 

Pool finances have also been boosted recently by the expected reduction in the latest gas bill as a result of the fall in wholesale gas prices.

An update on the overall state of pool finances will be given to the pool annual meeting to be held  in the fitSpace area on Thursday July 18 starting at 7pm

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22 Jun 2024

Settle Area Swimming Pool is looking for a number of new trustees.

Several of the group who saw through the major transformation of the pool in recent years have already stepped down and a number of others, including Colin Coleman the current chair, are due to do so at the annual meeting in July, which will mark the 50th anniversary of start of work on construction of the  building in 1974.

The main requirement for all trustees is a commitment to the continuing success of the pool as a resource for the whole community.

In addition each trustee is expected to bring a degree of experience and expertise that helps ensure the effective operation of the organisation.

The trustees are all volunteers and as such not paid, though where necessary they can claim out of pocket expenses.

At present the full board of trustees meets one evening a month at the pool, but much of the work is done through four groups. These deal with finance, facilities, people and publicity. Each group meets on a monthly basis with individuals undertaking various tasks between meetings.

Because the pool is a charitable incorporated organisation, trustees have certain important responsibilities but are not legally responsible for instance for any debts.

New trustees will be subject to election at the annual meeting  on  July 18 , as will those who have completed their three year term of office but wish to stay on.

If you are interested in becoming a trustee or just want to have a chat, without obligation get in touch the Ian Orton, the secretary through or call him on 07841 577 991.

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27 Mar 2024

The pool has received a grant of £20,000 as part of the second phase of the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund. This phase is specifically aimed at helping pools become more energy efficient and the Settle money will be used to extend our bank of solar panels, which have helped cut our electricity bill since being installed two years ago.

Commenting on the award pool chair Colin Coleman said: "We are delighted that Settle Pool has been successful in our bid for funding from the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund. This grant will enable us to add to our bank of solar panels and so both reduce our energy costs and make the pool more environmentally efficient.

"The award is a welcome boost to our efforts to address the serious financial problems that we have faced in recent months. We were of course disappointed that we did not receive funding in the first round of bids to the Swimming Pool Support Fund, which was aimed at helping pools facing rising costs, but have been heartened by the way the local community has rallied round to show their support for the pool in recent months.

“All our efforts to turn round a difficult financial situation are starting to bear fruit. We are by no means out of the wood and still need to make more efforts to ensure our long term future. But things are now looking better and this grant, whilst not directly related to day-to-day funding, does show a degree of support for the pool from this national body which is very welcome."

You can read the full Sport England announcement here:

The North Yorkshire Council statement is here:

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26 Mar 2024

Settle Rotary Club President Colin Renwick joined pool manager Tash Ward on the new spin bikes now in use for classes at Settle Pool, to present a cheque for £2,000 resulting from the club’s recent Merry-Go-Round dinner, at which diners go from venue to venue for each course of a three course meal.

The donation is a further welcome boost to pool funds following the recent financial crisis, which at one time looked as though it might threaten the pool with imminent closure.

Tash said: “We are grateful to Settle Rotary for this generous donation. It not only helps us keep going but allows us to acquire equipment like the spinbikes that ensure we can offer more facilities for more groups and develop our standing as much more than just a pool.”

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Spring Newsletter!
22 Mar 2024

Our New Spring Newsletter has arrived hot off the press. To read up on all the latest news at the pool please follow this link > Our Newsletters (

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07 Mar 2024

Settle Pool has once again entered a team in Skipton Rotary Dragon Boat Regatta to be held at Coniston Hall Lake on Sunday May 12.

This time we are raising funds to provide gym equipment for our new fitSpace area, ensuring that we live up to our billing as ‘more than just a pool’.

The local community  rallied round splendidly as we faced a financial crisis last winter. Thanks to that support and a range of measures we have taken things are starting to look up.

But we now need to ensure that the pool operates on a long-term sustainable basis and that means making full use of all our facilities.

Our exercise classes are increasingly popular as are our pool-based activities. But what we now need is to hire a range of gym equipment so we can offer more to all sections of the local community and help the pool live up to its full potential.

That is what our team will be paddling for at Coniston Hall on May 12.

You can help firstly by sponsoring our paddlers, here at our just giving page

You can also come along to Coniston Hall on May 12 to show your support for our team races start at 10am

Importantly, if you are really up for it we would like you to volunteer to join the paddlers squad.  You can do that by contacting 07790 534327 to register your interest and by joining the first paddlers' team meeting at the Golden Lion on Tuesday 9th April at 7p.m.

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St Alkelda’s Church.
06 Mar 2024

Sacrum Cor Present A Programme Of Sacred Choral Works In Memory of Phil Smith, this will be held on the 9th of March at St Alkelda’s Church in Giggleswick

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26 Feb 2024

Settle Pool is delighted to have been given a £4,000 award by the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust.

The Clapham-based charity whose aims are to look after the spectacular Dales landscape, support local communities and help everyone enjoy and understand the Dales says’ the award is made in recognition of how your organisation aligns with YDMT’s charitable aims, specifically to support people to live in, visit and care for the Dales. The awards have been made possible thanks to funding we have received from People’s Postcode Lottery.’

Commenting on the award pool chair Colin Coleman said: ‘This generous award is further recognition of the role of the pool in the life of our local communities. It comes at a time when we have been facing particularly severe financial difficulties and, along with the many other measures that we have taken in recent months and the exceptional response of our supporters and users means that we have been able to reduce our on- going losses and, whilst we have further work to do, we are now in a much better position than we were just a few weeks ago.’

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21 Feb 2024

You can now help support the pool by not sending greeting cards to your friends and family.

Settle Area Swimming Pool is one of many national and local charities that has signed up to                            Don’

 It works like this. When that special occasion is coming up instead of buying a card and a stamp, go to  Settle Area Swimming Pool eCards | and choose an appropriate design from their wide selection. They will send the electronic card for you and in return you  make a donation of the amount you would otherwise have spent – or indeed however much you wish  - to the pool.

 It is as easy as that. 

So whether it is a birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day, or Christmas time, your loved one gets their greeting from you and the pool gets a donation.

And don’t forget you can also help the pool when you shop on line.

Read how at: How Can I Help? - Settle Area Swimming Pool (

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One Hour Time Limit To Go For Some Sessions in Flexible March
19 Feb 2024

Settle Pool is to lift the one hour time limit for some swimming sessions, on a trial basis, during March.

This is in response to requests from a number of pool users, and in particular a contribution to the recent open evening.

From March 4 for four weeks, the two one-hour early morning lane swimming sessions on Mondays and Thursdays will be merged into a single two hour ‘early lane swim’ on each of the two days. 

When making a booking you will not need to state your arrival time, or if you prefer you can turn up at the time that suits you and pay at the desk.  Whether you stay in the water for the full two-hours (which is unlikely) or just half an hour, the prices will be the same. However, the bather limit of 12 for lane swims (four per lane) will still apply and if the number is reached no one else will be allowed into the pool until someone else has left.

At weekends there will be open swimming on Saturdays from 1.15pm to 3.15pm and on Sundays from 1.30pm – 3.35pm. Again you will be able to book in advance to take part in either session, or pay on arrival. Family bookings will also be possible and, as with all open swim sessions, the pool limit is 35.

See the next 2 weeks timetable here.

Users will be asked for feedback after their swim and a decision made subsequently on whether or not to continue with this experiment.

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12 Feb 2024

The 200 club has been an important fund raiser for Settle Pool for many years.  Each year members pay a sum, this year it is £30 per number, with half the proceeds going to the pool and the other half going into a number of prize draws during the year, with a bumper draw just before Christmas.

This year there have been far more people wanting numbers than the 200 limit can accommodate, and so, for this year only, we have set up a new 'Super 30 Club'. The cost of £30 per number will be the same as for the 200 club and again, half the proceeds will go in prizes and the other half will go to the pool.

Because there will be fewer people involved than in the 200 club itself, there will be just two draws during the year: two prizes of £100 each to be drawn in June and two further prizes of £100 each to be drawn in early December. There will also be a bonus draw in December, the amount of which will depend on the number joining but likely to be around £50.

Numbers were initially being offered to those who wished to join the 200 club, but other pool users and supporters can join. The closing date for entries will be February 29.

If you wish to join the Super 30 Club, please complete and return the form super-30-form-2024.docx ( and make the payment as indicated.

Thanks for your support for the Pool.

Mike Smith

Settle Swimming Pool  Super 30 club organiser

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25 Jan 2024

A new community fund raising initiatives group is to be set up to help Settle Area Swimming Pool tackle its serious financial crisis. The picture above shows Chair of Trustees Colin Coleman (left) and Secretary Ian Orton addressing a packed room of pool supporters.

The move came out of the open evening on pool finances held on January 24 that was attended by well over a hundred pool supporters. 

The new group will consist mainly of volunteers whose task is both to come up with new ideas and implement some of the suggestions made at the open evening.

They will work closely with the pool trustees and aim to build on the many initiatives already in place. Supporters wishing to join the group, who have not already been in touch with Elaine Owen, should send their contact details to the secretary or leave a note at pool reception, or either of the two pool charity shops .

Pool chair Colin Coleman told the event that Settle pool was not alone in facing severe financial problems. He cited a recent Swim England report that showed that hundreds of public pools across England had closed in the past few years and predicted that many more would follow over the next decade.

Those attending the event were told the pool was currently loosing £10,000 a month. Much of this was due to a gas bill of around £6,000. The pool was in long-term contract with the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation, the public sector procurement group that provides services to many organisations including schools and colleges. Whilst this had initially been very beneficial, prices were now well above the market rate. Despite efforts to get out of the contract, including the intervention of MP Julian Smith, it had proved impossible to do so before April 2025. Prices were expected to fall substantially in the spring when usage would also go down. But this alone would not cover the monthly deficit which would continue to eat into the reserves currently standing at around £75,000.

A range of measures has already been taken to increase income and cut costs. Following a health and safety inspection changes had been made to lifeguard coverage; the timetable had been revised to cut out badly attended sessions and increase the availability of the most popular ones. Plans were in hand for a promotional leaflet, financed by the Settle Stingrays group, to go to all households in the area via Royal Mail. A new membership scheme had been introduced to benefit regular users as well as increase predictable income. In the longer term the possibility of establishing and charging for a campervan park was being examined with Yorkshire Council – such a scheme had proved a major money maker for a comparable Scottish pool.

Usage of the pool and related fitSpace sessions had grown greatly over the past year but the greatest help that local people could give the pool was to make sure they, their families and neighbours used the pool more often.

Overall there were 24 contributions from those attending the event . These were summarised by secretary Ian Orton as follows:

1. Social media: The pool should make more use of social media and two people offered to help with managing Facebook etc.

2. Questions were asked about the reclaiming of VAT and VAT-able expenditure. The Treasurer responded.

3. A suggestion that the Pool Flyer could go out with Community News rather than Royal Mail. It was explained that Royal Mail covered every home in the catchment area of the pool.

4. Details were asked of the monthly deficit and the Treasurer explained it was around £10,000 a month and the way to close it was more users and reduce expenditure.

5. More details were requested about the duration of the deficit.

6. A request to remove time-restricted swim sessions was made

7. A suggestion was made to re-introduce The Friends of the Pool.

8. A question was raised about balances held by the pool. The Treasurer explained a Charity needed to hold around three months expenditure.

9. Details were shared of a levy being raised at a similar pool to Settle for car parking charges etc to generate revenue.

10. Several people spoke about charging for camper van parking and it was noted this suggestion was being investigated with North Yorkshire Council.

11. As the cost of gas heating is so high suggestions were made about reducing the temperature of the water. A response included comments about minimum temperatures etc for babies and older swimmers.

12. A request was made about how to regularly donate money to the pool. Booking forms for standing orders are available at pool reception and on the website here

13. A mention was made of Patrons of Bradford Jazz Club and how the pool could recruit patrons.

14. One of the original founders of the pool spoke about the importance of the pool. She suggested income from camper vans should be chased up, and partnering with Settle United Junior Football who regularly use the car park during term time.

15. It was suggested there should be more publicity about the ability to donate to the pool.

16. A member of pool staff spoke about the loss of the pool would result in many young people not learning to swim and how a sponsored swim would bring in additional funds.

17. A local energy contractor spoke about energy audits and offered to help the pool with this process using his expertise.

18. Trustees offered to coordinate a fund raising group and requested volunteer help.

19. Questions were asked about the duration of and charges for the gas contract. The Treasurer explained the background to the gas contract with YPO and the unsuccessful efforts to get out of the contract before the end date of April 2025.

20. It was suggested that a Honesty Box in the car park might help with donations. The Secretary indicated he would approach North Yorkshire Council.

21. Comments were raised about Facebook and Trustees gave details of the history of the use of FB.

22. The Trustees were thanked for all their hard unpaid work.

23. A member of the Dragon Boat Team asked for more paddlers for the race on 12th May raising funds for the pool. The Secretary to circulate details.

24. Cllr David Staveley gave an update on the way North Yorkshire Council was helping the pool but pointed out these are challenging times.

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12 Jan 2024

Settle Rotary Club are supporting the pool with a very generous offer of fundraising at their annual Merry-Go-Round dinner on Friday 9 February. Thank you Settle Rotary!

For more details about Settle Rotary, click here

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21 Dec 2023


Following last month’s announcement that Settle Area Swimming Pool was facing a serious financial crisis the pool trustees have taken a range of measures to help alleviate the situation. These include: intensifying efforts to obtain public funding; cutting costs; and putting in place plans to increase use of the pool and the related fitSpace area.

The trustees have been heartened by the positive response from the public - individuals and local businesses. This has included at least one substantial donation as well as offers of help and suggestions on ways to raise money and reduce costs.

Many of those responding have asked for further details on issues such as the measures being taken; the causes of the financial problems; and how they can help. In order to provide an opportunity to deal with these queries and to give pool users and supporters the chance to talk to trustees in more detail an open evening is to be held. This will take place on WEDNESDAY JANUARY 24 AT THE POOL STARTING AT 7PM.

In the meantime it should be noted that the principal cause of the month on month losses now being incurred is the tenfold increase in gas prices over the past year from 2p per unit to more than 20p.Prices are expected to fall in the coming months, but this alone will not be enough to put the pool’s finances back on an even keel.

In other developments, representations have been made to North Yorkshire Council and Sport England; two of the trustees have held a positive meeting with Julian Smith MP; and income from the charity shops has risen with the opening of the new pop up shop.

Further measures are being taken to encourage pool use and a new membership scheme has been set up to benefit regular users. Supporters are reminded that donations to the pool can be made both on a regular and one-off basis through the pool website.

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20 Nov 2023

Settle Swimming Pool is facing a major financial crisis after it was denied funding from the £20 million the government set aside to help public swimming pools across England cope with what it called ‘challenging financial pressures’.

Whilst 196 pools received grants of as much as £300,000 in some cases, none of the 18 pools in North Yorkshire received any contribution.

In the absence of this public funding, Settle pool is now having to take drastic measures in order to keep afloat.

Full details of all new prices will be published on our website shortly. In a move to help regular users, a long term membership scheme is being introduced. This will give reduced rates for both swimming and fitspace sessions and a combination of both.

Trustees have also agreed to take urgent action to reduce staffing costs and other expenditure.

In a further move pool users and supporters are being asked to make regular individual donations to help ensure the pool can continue to function.

Longer term measures are also under consideration.

One of the reasons that Settle pool has, to date, coped better than some others has been the income from the charity shop, that has generated around £70,000 a year since it opened in 2017. But this is no longer adequate to cope with rising costs, most significantly a gas bill that has gone up from just over £1,000 a month to around £7,000. In an effort to raise income from this source the trustees are seeking further volunteers to help staff a second ‘pop-up ‘ shop that recently opened in the centre of Settle. As shop organiser Anne Galloway, who was recently named North Yorkshire volunteer of the year said: “We are getting plenty of donations, including some high value items, but we need more volunteers to help with sales, both on line and through our shops.”
Behind all these action there is frustration with the lack of support from government and Sport England.

As pool treasurer Rosie Sanderson explained to the November meeting of the trustees, “When the pool was facing financial difficulties a few years ago it was Sport England that told us the only way to go was to undertake a major expansion, including a new dry area. We followed their advice and have coped with unforeseen challenges as Covid and storm damage leading to temporary closure, but now when we need urgently help we are denied support.”

Settle will be seeking an explanation from Sport England about why they were denied aid from the Swimming Pool Support Fund despite appearing to meet the three criteria set out in the press release announcing the grants from the scheme.

Sport England said pools and leisure centres were selected “based on their risk of closure, the proximity to other swimming pools providing public swimming, and the level of demand for the facility.”

Settle Pool chair Colin Coleman said: “There is only one other public pool within twenty miles of Settle. We offer a wide range of sessions for all ages as well as public swimming and school swimming and it is now clear that without urgent action there is a real danger that the pool will have to close. It makes no sense for us to be denied funding when pools closer to other facilities, offering fewer services and operating in less challenging environments have been given substantial amounts of public funding. We want to know why.”

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15 Nov 2023

Settle Pool is now connected to the world’s fastest rural broadband.

Customers can get free wi-fi access simply by scanning the QR code on the noticeboard at the pool café or by logging on to the network using the password ‘swimming’.

It's clear from the photo how happy our Centre Manager Tash Ward is with the new internet connection.

The link to Broadband for Rural Networks - B4RN - was made in mid-November when a fibre optic cable was laid under the fields between the pool and the nearby hamlet of Stackhouse - the nearest  point where B4RN was already installed.

Pool staff are now using B4RN for all back office work. This includes monitoring progress on children's swim lessons, processing customer accounts and taking payments, and managing content for our social media feeds, booking system and website.

B4RN - pronounced barn - is a community benefit society, established in 2011 to bring world-leading full fibre broadband speeds to underserved rural areas . It has won numerous awards and featured in media reports highlighting the fact that remote rural areas served by B4RN can match broadband speeds normally only found in places like the financial districts of big cities. It began in North  East Lancashire is now spreading into the Yorkshire Dales and Cumbria.

You can read more about B4RN on

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Anne is North Yorkshire volunteer of the year
30 Oct 2023

Settle Pool trustee Anne Galloway has been named North Yorkshire volunteer of the year.

Anne received her award from North Yorkshire council chair Coun. David Ireton, at a ceremony in Harrogate, organised by the council, to recognise the contribution that the community organisations and volunteers make to life across the county.

Alongside the award the pool will receive a £1,000 cash donation.

A video made by the council’s communications team highlights Anne’s role as the inspiration behind the pool charity shop.

The shop has played a crucial role in the transformation of Settle pool at a time when many other public swimming pools across the country have been forced to close as a result of soaring costs and reduced public funding.

It was seven years ago on a visit to Kirkcudbright in Scotland that Anne saw how the local community swimming pool was able to finance itself by running a charity shop. She persuaded Settle pool supporters to follow this example and after a great deal of work behind the scenes the pool shop opened in May 2017.
Since then it has generated a steady flow of income for the pool. This has made possible the major redevelopment work completed just over a year ago and has gone some way towards off-setting soaring energy bills. Recently a second pop up shop has opened to sell the larger and more expensive items that have been given by generous local supporters.

Anne has been a pool trustee since 2013. In addition to her role in developing the charity shop and now the new pop up shop, she leads the trustee’s group on staff development. Over the past year she has devoted a great deal of time to helping see through the staff changes resulting from the expansion of the pool to include the new dry space area, known as fitSpace, and the creation of enhanced catering facilities.

Anne said: “Whilst I am delighted to receive this award, all the work that I have put in would have meant nothing without the efforts of our other trustees, volunteers and the pool staff. The continuing success of Settle pool is based around the commitment shown by the whole community and not least those who donate and buy from our charity shops. The award really belongs to all of them.”

Colin Coleman chair of the pool trustees said: “Anne is 100 per cent committed to the pool. I am sure she spends more time here and at the charity shop than she does at home. She richly deserves the accolade of North Yorkshire volunteer of the year.”

The full story about all awards from North Yorkshire Council is here:,1KLEK,4ZBY4A,7CT9R,1

Our local newspaper the Craven Herald has the story too here

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Look what’s just popped up in the centre of Settle
08 Oct 2023

The pool now has a new ‘pop-up’ shop. You’ll find it next to the Royal Oak in the narrow section of the road through the centre of Settle.

It is currently open 10am to 2pm on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays but hours might be extended as time goes by.

The new shop sells larger and more expensive items that cannot be accommodated in the existing premises in Duke Street.  Previously these donations would have been sold online, but the new premises mean that they can now be offered to our supporters who prefer to shop in person.

To date the shop has done a roaring trade, generating many more bargains for shoppers and much needed income for the pool at a time when we are continuing to face sky high energy bills..

It also means that we now have more space in the two containers that receive donations in the pool car park on Tuesday and Friday mornings (9.30am- 12.30pm).

The success of the shop is of course entirely dependent on generous donations by our supporters and the dedicated team of volunteers who sort items and staff both our shops.

The full address is 1 Church Street, Settle, NorthYorkshire BD24 9JD
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Halloween Kids Disco
03 Oct 2023

We are having an Halloween Kids Disco at the Pool Friday 27th of October!!

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08 Aug 2023

Tash Ward has been appointed as Centre Manager at Settle Area Swimming Pool.

This new role brings together responsibility for the whole building including both the pool itself and the new fitSpace area which was created following last year’s major re-development.

Tash has been acting as interim manager since May. She joined the pool team in August last year, initially in the role of business development manager.

The creation of the new post is part of wider changes to the staffing structure to reflect the major  developments at the pool and the new opportunities for use of the facilities.

Formerly club manager of Anytime Fitness in Ilkley, Tash ( 30) has a sports management degree from Leeds Beckett University. She is also a qualified fitness instructor and personal trainer.

Growing up in Thailand and going to an International School, Tash was involved in a variety of sports from an early age.  She was particularly attracted to karate, becoming a black belt and world champion at the age of 14.

In September 2020 Tash and her partner moved to Settle. They have a baby boy now aged 18 months.

Tash said: “Over the past year I have come to appreciate just how much the people of this area love their pool. It is support given by the staff, the customers, the trustees and the multitude of volunteers who work tirelessly to raise funds that keeps the pool going.

“We now have great facilities. The challenge is to make the best use of them for the benefit of the whole community. We are making a great start this summer with our intensive swimming classes. And I am delighted to see the building is being used by people of all ages and abilities. But there is more that needs to be done to reach out to the whole community and to make sure that people know there is something for everyone here at Settle pool.”

To contact Tash, email

This inspiring story is reported in the Craven Herald here 

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Stingrays star at pool AGM
25 Jul 2023

The Settle Stingrays swimming club were the star attraction at the pool AGM held on July 20.

Whilst club members took part in one of their regular training sessions in the pool, Stingrays chair Karen Shuttleworth told those attending the AGM in the adjacent fitSpace area of the  importance of the training facilities in preparing the Stingrays for club competitions.

She said the club was delighted to be back at the pool after a long absence caused by last year’s redevelopment work. The return renewed the historic link between the pool and the club.  The Stingrays aim was to give young swimmers the opportunity to develop their skills to the point where they could take part in swimming competitions against other clubs across the country.

Tashina Ward, the interim pool manager,  was the other main speaker at the AGM. She spoke of the new facilities available in the fitSpace area. These  range from spin classes, using static cycles, to children’s play sessions with a range of soft play equipment.

In the formal part of the meeting Colin Coleman was re-elected as chair of trustees.  Ian Orton is to continue as secretary and Rosie Sanderson as treasurer.

Colin said that this was the first time that it had been possible to hold the AGM at the pool, thanks to the major development that had been completed last year. Rosie spoke of the financial pressures on the pool resulting from increasing energy costs and rising insurance premiums. This had necessitated the price increases that had to be introduced from May. On the positive side the new solar panels were helping keep costs down and, most crucially the income from the charity shop made a major contribution to keeping the pool afloat. Thanks were due to all the volunteers who put in so much time to supporting the pool.

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Summer Intensive Swimming Lessons
18 Jul 2023

We are excited to announce that we will be running a 4-week Summer Intensive Swim Course!

The group courses will be running each week from Monday 31st July to Wednesday 23rd August. The courses will be over 3 days, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the same week. Each class will be 25 minutes long.  The first course on each day starting from 09:00 and the last course starting at 11:00. 

Places will be given on a first come first serve basis.

The cost will be £21 for the 3-day course each week.

Classes are suitable for children aged 4-16 years and all abilities. Once you have booked a place, a swimming teacher will give you a call to assess your child to place them into a suitable stage.

There is also intensive private 1-1 and 2-1 courses of 3 lesson over a 3 week period on a Wednesday and a Thursday on the weeks of the 2nd August, 16th August and the 23rd August,

On Wednesdays from the first class at 1:30 and the last class at 14:30 and on Thursdays with the first class starting at 15:00 and the last class at 20:00. Each of these classes will be 25 minutes long and once a week for these 3 weeks.

The cost for 1-1 courses will be £66 for three lessons over the three weeks. For 2-1 courses will be £82.50 for three lessons over the three weeks.

These classes will be suitable for all ages. All classes will be planned and delivered by our Swim England qualified and experienced teachers. Classes are aimed to be fun and to provide the necessary water confidence, water skills and improve their stroke technique.

Courses are non-refundable and non-transferable, and payment is by direct debit before the course starts. Links for payment will be in your booking confirmation.

Certificates will be provided on completion of the course.

 If you are interested in signing up. Please e-mail Hannah at: The closing date for applications to the course is the 30th of July 2023.

 We look forward to seeing you.

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Press Articles

27 February 2025 Settle Area Swimming Pool 200 Club
4 Dec 2024 Ladies' knitted tree helps raise funds for Settle Pool
8 Nov 2024 Swimming the Channel - and dodging jellyfish and passing ferries
8 Oct 2024 Settle charities set to benefit from Community Giving scheme
2 Aug 2024 Settle Swimming Pool invests £24,000 in new gym equipment
25 June 2024 New solar panels help cut Settle pool’s electric bill
20 Jun 2024 Dales Radio Podcasts: Settle Pool - more than just a pool!
26 Mar 2024 Craven pools receive nearly £66,000 Government funding
1 Mar 2024 Struggling pool gets 4k boost
12 Feb 2024 'Merry-go-round' event raises nearly £2,000 for Settle Pool
31 Jan 2024 Settle shows it's support for under threat swimming pool
23 Dec 2023 Under threat Settle Pool 'heartened' by response from public
18 Dec 2023 Skipton MP supports efforts to keep Settle pool afloat
8 Dec 2023 Craven Citizen of the Year 2022 urges support for swimming pools
4 Dec 2023 Settle Pool 'in real danger' of closing after losing out on funding
18 Nov 2023 Free surfing now available at Settle Swimming Pool
31 Oct 2023 Settle pool trustee Anne named 'volunteer of the year'
10 Oct 2023 ACE Settle prepares to launch its own Local Energy Club with help from pool
6 Sep 2023 Settle Stingrays prepare for Ironman challenge this Sunday
10 Aug 2023 Former Karate world champion is new manager at Settle Pool
3 July 2023 Settle Stingrays to be main attraction at pool's annual meeting
8 Jun 2023 Rotary's Dragon Boat Regatta declared a great success
27 April 2023 Community run Settle Pool acts to tackle rise in fuel costs
4 Apr 2023 Settle Pool chair receives award at last ever district council meeting
20 Mar 2023 Marathon cyclists ride around the clock for Settle pool
13 March 2023 Jeremy Hunt to offer £63m budget lifeline to England’s swimming pools
28 Feb 2023 Pool and Freda's Nursery link up for spinathon fundraiser
22 Feb 2023 Dales Radio news: Settle Pool in a spin
5 Jan 2023 Ned stars at English Championships
29 Oct 2022 Singer James Newman and MP Julian Smith cut the celebratory cake at Settle Pool
29 Oct 2022 MP Julian Smith at opening of new pool
27 Oct 2022 Splashdown! Settle’s pool is back bigger and better – thanks to ‘generous and selfless support’
26 May 2022 Dragon boat racers raise a magnificent more than £20,000 for charities
8 March 2022 Craven Community Champions Award winners revealed
1 January 2022 The Friends who helped keep a swimming pool afloat
31 December 2021 Replacement trees are planted by supporters of Settle pool
10 Aug 2020 Settle Swimming Pool promised £150,000 from Craven District Council towards its new Health and Wellbeing centre
15 Oct 2019 Settle Pool receives grant from Freemasons
29 Sep 2019 Musical water celebration to raise vital cash for Dales swimming pool
29 Mar 2019 Settle Swimming Pool recognised for its good work by the Royal Life Saving Society