Charity Registration No: 1171790 VAT reg no: 333538701 01729 823626 Kendal Road Giggleswick Settle North Yorkshire BD24 0BU

Settle Area Swimming Pool

more than just a pool

Recent News

200 Club March 2025 draw
20 Mar 2025

The March 2025 draw was made at the monthly meeting of the pool trustees by ool manager Tash Ward. The winners were:
No. 130 Ann Bott £80
No. 20 Olwyn Bolger £50
No 24 Kathryn Huck £30

Congratulations to the winners, who have been notified, and thanks to all 200 club members for their support for the pool.🎈

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Charity shop donations – new collection site
20 Mar 2025

Charity shop donations – new collection site

New arrangements for collecting donations for the pool charity shops come into force from the end of this month.

From March 28 we will no longer collect donations at the containers in the pool carpark.

The new collection point is at Unit 4 on the Sowarth Industrial Estate BD24 9FQ (opposite Arla and next to the council recycling centre). If you use ‘what three words’ the location is at frogs.offstage.stupidly

Opening times remain Tuesday and Friday mornings 9.30am – 12.30pm.

The new arrangement will provide more space to accept and sort donations ready for taking to the two shops in the centre of Settle, or, where appropriate, sale on line. It will also make it easier for volunteers, who up to now have had to work outdoors in all weathers. 

To get to the new site from the pool turn left out of the carpark; bear right after the bridge (Kirkgate) follow the road round and turn right  before the bridge; right again at the junction and right after the  Land Rover garage.

Scan this QR code for a map.


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Settle Pool 50th anniversary carnival
08 Mar 2025

Settle Pool  50th anniversary carnival: The carnival to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Settle Area Swimming Pool will be held on Saturday 21 June.

It was originally planned to hold the event the following day but it has been brought forward to avoid clashing with the Hellifield Harness Races.

The pool event will run from 10am to 4pm and involve events at the pool, in the carpark and on the field behind the building.

Individuals who are able to volunteer to help on the day and local organisations that would like to take part are asked to get in touch through

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Festive Fitness For Fifty Quid
25 Nov 2024


We are running a special Promotion over the festive period from the 2nd of December to the 31st of January. 

Indulge in food and drink at Christmas by all means but think about what comes after too, so why not take up our festive fitness offer. For the price of just £50 you can now purchase a gift card from us which allows eight sessions for any of our dry side fitSpace classes or for use in the new gym

The ideal gift for yourself or someone you care about.

Gift vouchers will be available at the Pool from Monday the 2nd of December just ask at reception.

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Welcome back to Settle Pool - more than just a pool

We are EXCITED to invite you to our swim, gym, fitSpace, and café. The full timetable is here. Please click here to register for online booking. You can hire the pool and fitSpace together or separately for children's parties

We celebrate 50 years since the pool opened with an auction on Friday 6 June and a carnival on Saturday 21 June

Read about our new great value Membership Passes for swimming, gym and fitSpace classes here

*** Donations for our charity shops should be taken to the container in the swimming pool car park on Tuesdays and Fridays 9.30am to 12.30pm ***


How to book a session

You can make bookings online, on the telephone, or by walking into reception. Here's how we prioritise the different ways to make a booking...

Online bookings through the ClubRight App have top priority. This is on Apple and Google app stores
Bookings made over the telephone have next priority. Please call 01729 823626 weekdays between 10am - 12 noon
You can also walk in to the reception desk, and make a booking IF there is space

The small print

If you wish to contact us urgently, send an email to or or through our online booking service or social media pages.

Full details including all procedures are in our Terms and Conditions.

Please see our Privacy Policy to read about how we collect and use your information through ClubRight.

If you need to read this message again you can reopen it by clicking the logo on the left of the menu or use the "reopen" link in the welcome text.